Floating: A New Birthday Ritual | Synergy Float Center

Floating: A New Birthday Ritual

floating on your birthday

Floating: A New Birthday Ritual

Today is your day of all days… Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.
– Dr. Seuss

Most people celebrate their birthday with a party that includes friends and family. However, Dr. Seuss got it right, your birthday should be about just you. And what better way to be about just you, then spending some quality time alone with you and your thoughts in a float tank. In fact, floating is the closest thing to experiencing what it was like in your mothers’ womb prior to your birth. The Spiritual Science Research Foundation believes that while in the womb, we have complete consciousness, but those thoughts are lost, over time, after our birth. Prebirth.com conducted a survey and 43% of those surveyed felt they remembered a time after conception but before birth. Floating in the dark without gravity, upon water that has 1000 pounds of Epson salt, and is heated to your body temperature is the closest thing to being in the womb. Some experienced floaters have been able to go back to that pre-birth time and recall their thoughts about life before birth and experience the peace associated with being in your mother’s womb. Everyone’s birthday is really their own personal New Year’s Day, and just as people make resolutions on the New Year to have a better year, they should also make resolutions on their birthday, to have a better life. Floating in the tank will help facilitate people making the “right” resolutions, because floating helps with clarity, focus, and perspective. Deep down your body knows what it needs to address, and more often than not, we don’t hear our bodies because we are distracted by everyday life on earth. Imagine if you could tap into your pre-birth hopes, dreams, and goals and reconcile them with your current life. It would almost be like a rebirth. Floating will help you listen to your body, and be reborn, because it eliminates all distractions and puts you in a zero gravity environment. From the moment we were born we have had .98 Newton’s, which is the downward force of gravity on 100 grams of mass, on our bodies. The lack of gravity on your body in the float tank, immediately makes your body realize that something is different, which enables the synergizing of the mind, body, and soul. Because floating is the closest replication of what was going on when you were born, everyone should add it as part of their birthday ritual. Float first and then party with friends and family after.

Most people probably have never even heard of floating, and would be surprised to know that they probably have a float center near them. Find out if there’s a float center near you! Most centers have birthday specials to help enable this rebirth concept.

If you’re in the Alexandria, VA or DC area, visit Synergy Float Center! We offer free floats to our members on their birthdays. Learn more about our membership program here.

Meet our new Energy Healer - Lakshmi Puri

I was given the name Lakshmi from a renowned Yoga Master as a baby and grew up in a spiritual ashram near Washington D.C. I was immersed in the smells of incense, chiming bells, devotional prayers, and dedication to the healing path through practicing yoga asanas, pranayama (breath work), performing holy rituals, and repeating a mantra in meditation. 

In meditation, a whole realm unveiled itself before me involving my intuitive wisdom to work with energy and connect to a higher consciousness beyond my mental comprehension and reasoning. It felt as if I had been doing this for lifetimes. I was guided to travel to Rajasthan, India where I started working with others as a healer here while strengthening my own Divine connection being in this Motherland of Spirituality. I then returned to the States to continue practicing with people all around the world. I truly look forward to connecting with you.  Sessions available on Sunday and Mondays starting on Feb. 19th. 

Wellness Wednesday. Enjoy 20% off all Synergy services. Discount applied at the center. **Cannot be combined with another discount or for Energy Healing.**Book Now
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