Floating and Autism | Synergy Float Center

Floating and Autism

Floating and Autism

Floating and Autism

Autism is defined by a spectrum of conditions. Many people on the spectrum have difficulty processing everyday sensory information. At times, their senses can become overstimulated causing stress, anxiety, and possibly physical pain. Being constantly overstimulated can be overwhelming for anybody. Now imagine an environment where all five senses are muted. A sensory deprivation tank can provide a dream-like environment to autistic children and adults. With no lights or sounds invading the tank, it can also provide relief from the daily stimuli of the chaotic world we live in. Since the effects of a floating session can last up to 72 hours, it is expected that the serene feeling will alleviate some of the sensory input.

Extensive research and studies on floating and autism were conducted to examine the effects of floating in autistic individuals. One study conducted over the course of one and a half years proved that an autistic adult benefited from the regular use of a sensory deprivation tank. The 24-year-old woman whom was diagnosed with ADHD, autism, PTSD, and depression felt a sense of improved quality of life. The subject stated that she preferred floating to her prescribed medication. Hopefully, in the future, there will be more research into the use of floatation therapy and autism as it could prove to be an invaluable tool.

Have more questions about floating and autism? Contact us today! Or, book your appointment here.

Meet our new Energy Healer - Lakshmi Puri

I was given the name Lakshmi from a renowned Yoga Master as a baby and grew up in a spiritual ashram near Washington D.C. I was immersed in the smells of incense, chiming bells, devotional prayers, and dedication to the healing path through practicing yoga asanas, pranayama (breath work), performing holy rituals, and repeating a mantra in meditation. 

In meditation, a whole realm unveiled itself before me involving my intuitive wisdom to work with energy and connect to a higher consciousness beyond my mental comprehension and reasoning. It felt as if I had been doing this for lifetimes. I was guided to travel to Rajasthan, India where I started working with others as a healer here while strengthening my own Divine connection being in this Motherland of Spirituality. I then returned to the States to continue practicing with people all around the world. I truly look forward to connecting with you.  Sessions available on Sunday and Mondays starting on Feb. 19th. 

Wellness Wednesday. Enjoy 20% off all Synergy services. Discount applied at the center. **Cannot be combined with another discount or for Energy Healing.**Book Now
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